Standing Desk Buying Guide

Standing Desk Buying Guide

We all know that being healthy at work is a necessity, especially now that many of us are sitting for long periods of time over the course of any workday. Many studies have shown that extended sedentary periods, even in an ergonomic office chair, can potentially increase the risk of obesity, type-2 diabetes, and even cancer. This is what led to the creation of the standing desk.

In This Guide, We’ll Cover:

  • Our top 5 tips for buying a standing desk
  • What is a standing desk?
  • Are standing desks good for you?
  • What to consider when choosing a standing desk
  • Types of standing desk
  • Our expert’s opinion
  • Tips for using a standing desk

Standing desks can help curb the potential problems of long periods of sitting while making us all healthier. The ultimate form of an ergonomic desk, standing desks promote good posture, muscle strengthening, and an active working mindset.

An adjustable desk will get you through a working day feeling more productive and efficient than ever. But there are many different types of standing desks available, so finding one that is the right fit for your work style is essential.

Our buying guide has all the information you’ll need to learn about standing desk benefits and find the best standing desk for you.

Our Top Four Tips for Buying a Standing Desk

We’ve got tons of information on what to look for in a standing desk right here in our complete buying guide, but if you’re just looking for some quick help to steer your purchase, here are our top 4 essential tips for buying a standing desk. Stick with these and you’ll have no trouble finding the right standing desk to make hard work feel simple.

  • Work out how much space you’ll need for your desk
  • Consider how much weight you’ll be putting on the desk
  • Set yourself a budget
  • Make sure you choose a desk that works for your office space and style

What is a Standing Desk?

Standing desks are the latest in ergonomic desk technology.

Unlike traditional office desks, this ergonomic desk set-up is fully adjustable, allowing you to increase the height of your desk at a moment’s notice and then work while standing throughout the day.

But this doesn’t mean you’ll only be standing. The best desks come in the form of sit-stand models, meaning that when your legs get tired, you can rapidly switch to a seated desk again with an ergonomic chair.

This lets you get the best of both working worlds and encourages you to switch positions regularly.

And if you don’t want a full-height adjustable standing desk, you can get a standing desk converter. This simple stand securely holds your laptop and then lifts it up to the height you need, so you can use it no matter what office desk you’re using.

Are Standing Desks Good for you?

Standing desks have been around for decades, giving plenty of time for experts to study their effects and potential benefits. Most experts now agree that standing desks are an excellent healthy work option.

Being uncomfortable is a killer for productivity. Standing desks allow you to stand in a relaxed position while maintaining good posture. This forces your body to enter a more active state, burning calories and improving your energy levels to keep you focused.

In fact, standing with good posture has been shown in a variety of studies to reduce back pain, eliminate RSI, and increase overall leg circulation.

Experts also agree, however, that prolonged periods of adjustable desk use can also have its downsides. You need to be moving your legs while standing and shifting positions to avoid discomfort. Standing for long periods can also be quite tiring, and as the body tires, correct posture will slacken.

For this reason, most experts recommend regularly switching between sitting and standing, especially once you start to feel tired. This way, you’ll get the benefits of standing, while breaking up your day so you’re not entirely sedentary.

This flexibility in health benefits really lets you tailor how you use an adjustable standing desk to your own individual needs and preferences, making them one of the best types of office desks available.

What to Consider when Choosing a Standing Desk

As with buying any office furniture, be it a new bookcase or home office chair, there are many factors you’ll need to bear in mind when purchasing your first height-adjustable desk.

Naturally, you should already be thinking about the health benefits, but you also need to consider how you work, what needs to go on your desk, how high your desk will need to be, and any other ergonomic features you might want.

Your needs will also vary depending on if this is a desk for your place of work or home office, as some ergonomic desks are far noisier to adjust than others.

Will you Always be Standing at your Desk?

If you’re buying a standing desk, you’re likely going to be standing for a reasonable length of your work time. However, if you’re only working at your desk for 2-3 hours each day, then there is little point in getting an advanced ergonomic desk set up.

Alternatively, if you’re going to be at your desk for a typical office day, you likely want to invest in a standing desk design that can be adjusted easily. This can be accomplished with the use of a sit-stand converter if you’re on a laptop or with the push of a button with electric standing desks.

How Much Weight will be on your Desk?

Not all standing desks can accommodate the same weight levels. If you plan on having a desktop computer on your desk, you’ll need to invest in a standing desk design capable of bearing the load.

Weight limits on standing desks range from a low of 50lbs (22kg) to an impressive 700lbs (318kg).

You’ll know better than anyone what’s likely to be sat on your desk for any given day; weigh everything you’ll need your desk to support and then look for models that can support slightly more than this number.

Remember to also take into account the added weight of a desk’s tabletop when doing this.

What is the Ideal Standing Desk Height?

Standing desks can be raised to between 21 and 56 inches (0.5-1.5 meters), making them suitable for almost everyone.

Desk height can be adjusted manually with a crank, or with the use of electric motors and a keypad. There are even models out there that used hydraulic systems for a quiet rise.

In general, there is no set standing desk height. The right height for you will depend on how tall you are personally. However, experts agree that your standing desk height should allow your elbows to comfortably sit at your side with your forearms pointed slightly towards the floor while working. Your monitor should also be at eye level to prevent neck strain.

What is the Ideal Ergonomic Desk Set-up?

For an ergonomic desk set up, your standing desk should be stood so that whatever monitor you look at sits 18-20 inches (0.5 meters) away from you. Any monitors you’re using should also be tilted if necessary, so you don’t strain your neck.

On top of this, having a table that is slightly curved means you need to twist your body less when grabbing things.

And for when you want to sit down, you should have a high-quality ergonomic office chair or stool to hand.

How Much do Standing Desks Cost?

With all the great benefits associated with standing desks, you’d be right in thinking that they cost more than a standard office desk.

The price of a standing desk can vary anywhere between £150, all the way up to £2,000 with the top models. Hydraulic desks in particular are very expensive due to their silent nature.

Quality and construction materials will also play a key role in how expensive a desk is, as will any bonus features that come with it. The truth is that standing desks are an investment, and if treated well, they can last you for many years without issue.

While they might be pricey, the health benefits they offer cannot be overlooked. You should look to buy a model from a reputable brand to avoid buying something that might break after a year. The best standing desk manufacturers give warranties of 5 years or more.

The following is a rough guide to the desk quality you can expect for different price brackets.

Features –

  • Adequate desk space
  • Low weight capacity
  • Crank adjustment options

Features –

  • Medium weight capacity
  • Crank and electric height adjustments

Features –

  • Plenty of desk space
  • Hydraulic height adjustment
  • Heavy-weight capacity

Types of Standing Desks

With many office desks and office chairs, there’s usually a plethora of designs and model options for you to choose from.

With standing desks, designers have kept it simple with four main types. Each type performs the same function so your choice will come down to personal preference, especially when it comes to choosing between manual and automatically adjustable standing desks.

Electronically Adjustable Standing Desks

At Office Furniture Online, most of our adjustable standing desk options are electronic. Powered by one or two electric motors, you can easily select your desk height using the simple underside keypad.

Many of these keypads have advanced height options to let you get the height just right, and the most advanced models can even save your settings to make going from sitting to standing as seamless as possible.

Manually Adjusted Standing Desks

The alternative to an electronic standing desk is a manually adjusted option. These standing desks are crank-operated, forcing you to twist the crank until you reach the appropriate height.

While certainly a cheaper option, they’re louder, require more effort, and often deter users from switching between sitting and standing. This makes manually adjusted standing desks better suited for those who only work a few hours a day at a desk, not requiring them to switch between sitting and standing positions.

Ergonomic Standing Desks

These ergonomic desks are specifically designed to wrap around your body for a more natural working experience. You can reach things without stretching, and when you sit down, they will accommodate your chosen office chair nicely.

Standing Desk Desktop Converters

Lastly, we have the standing desk desktop converter. Great for small spaces or home desks on a budget, this raisable platform can sit almost anywhere and bring your laptop up to the correct height.

This lets you turn any desk into a standing desk. And when you’re done for the day, you can fold it down and store it in your office cupboard.

However, desktop converters are not a full substitute for an adjustable standing desk. You’ll need to purchase a keyboard and mouse with it to ergonomically use your laptop, and they’re overly stable.

If you can accommodate a full-sized standing desk, then that is almost certainly the better option.

Our Expert’s Opinion

Here at Office Furniture Online, we work with real experts to make sure we’re offering you the best products on the market. Here’s what office desk expert [Jane Doe] had to say about buying the right standing desk:

“For those who want to work more healthily, a standing desk will give you the flexibility to get up and move about while also getting on with your work. They’re a great way to stay active throughout the day.”

Tips for Using a Standing Desk

So, now that you know exactly what to look for in a standing desk, you can go out there and find the best standing desk for your working routine.

If you want some useful bonus features on your desk of choice, we recommend checking out models that have an anti-collision function, so you don’t crush anything underneath them.

Child locks are also very useful to keep your desk at its set height, and a desk sync option will let you track how long you’ve been standing, and the calories burnt.

And if you need an extra screen or a tablet holder, you can buy a specialist adapter to hold these. There are also plenty of guides out there that show different exercises you can do while you stand to keep yourself active.

Where to Buy Standing Desks

With Office Furniture Online, you have access to tons of the best-quality furniture items, so you can get the best office desks, chairs and more for your budget.

Whether you’re simply looking for a new office chair or furniture for a full office refurb, our staff are always on hand to offer expert advice on your office furniture requirements.

If you’d like more tips on how to stay healthy in the office, why not check out the articles on our blog.